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[Our Business is Your Safe Haven]

Thank you for visiting our new Internet site. As an up-to-date business, we want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with our company and our offers. A new content management system will enable us to always keep you up to date.

What A Home Inspections is....

A Home Inspection is a thorough visual examination of the home and property.  The process usually takes two to three hours, during which time the house is examined from the ground up.  The inspection includes observation, and when appropriate, operation of the plumbing, heating and air conditioning, electrical, and appliance systems, as well as structural components:  Roof, Foundation, Basement, Exterior and Interior Walls, Chimney, and Windows.  When conducted by a professional, a Home Inspection covers about 1,000 check-points in approximately 400 items around the home. 

In the meantime you can reach us at (303) 750-2862.  We are looking forward to hearing from you. You can also contact us at our e-mail address: maainsp@yahoo.com.

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.

In brief, you should know the following about us: The company was established in 2012, but there is over 10 years of home inspection and specialized testing service experience, and have been responsible for providing outstanding customer service with detailed home inspections ever since.  Our regular customers particularly value the honesty and detailed information. Our business is located in Denver, CO., but travel to many areas of Colorado.
