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I have been doing Home Inspections originally since 1999, which includes inspections for new built homes, duplexes, condominiums, townhomes, multi-units, and other "mini strip" malls units.  Many of my qualifications include; Registered Home Inspector (RHI), Certified Home Inspector (CCI), Certified Environmental Inspector (CEI), Certified Asbestos Inspector) CAI), and I am also HUD and FHA Certified.  By adding Mold and Radon courses and classes, it gives me the certifications listed above.

I always try to help prospective buyers make smart buying decisions, which in turn can save thousands of dollars in repairs and years of heartache.  We give the "buyers" the information they need on homes with significant problems, and also give a stamp of approval to well built and maintained homes.

I will be up front and tell you the truth about the home you are planning to purchase.  I will not waiver to the wills of the Real Estate Agent(s), or the owners who may be trying to simply make a buck.  If I smell a rat, I will be honest and tell you about it.

I gurantee you there are probably dozens of Home Inspectors that charge less money, but you get what you pay for.  Skimping $40 - $60 for a Home Inspection is NOT recommended.  Hire a qualified Home Inspector and get a quality report on the health of your home.
